The Annual meeting of Shareholders of AWF Madison Group Limited will be held at the Pullman Hotel, corner Waterloo Quadrant and Princes Street, Auckland on 22 July 2015 at 11 am (NZ time).
Items of Business:
1. Chairman’s Introduction
2. To note the consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31st March 2015.
3. To note the fully imputed final dividend of 8 cents paid on the 1st July 2015.
4. Directors Report and Update.
5. Resolutions

5.1 In accordance with clause 26 of the Company’s constitution Ross Keenan retires as a Director by Rotation and being eligible offers himself for re-election. Accordingly the meeting is asked to consider, and if thought fit, to
– Re-elect Ross Keenan as a Director

5.2 In accordance with clause 26 of the Company’s constitution Simon Hull retires as a Director by Rotation and being eligible offers himself for re-election. Accordingly the meeting is asked to consider, and if thought fit, to
– Re-elect Simon Hull as a Director

5.3 Wynnis Armour was appointed as a Director from 1 January 2015. In accordance with NZX listing rule 3.3.3 Wynnis retires as a Director and being eligible, offers herself for re-election. Accordingly the meeting is asked to consider, and if thought fit, to
– Elect Wynnis Armour as a Director

5.4 That the pool available to Directors to pay Directors Remuneration is increased by $150,000 to $350,000

6. To note that the Auditors, Deloitte, are automatically re-appointed as auditors pursuant to Section 200 of the Companies Act 1993 and to authorise the Directors to fix the auditors remuneration.
7. To note that the Directors anticipate issuing additional Restricted Shares to key staff pursuant to the Staff Share Incentive Scheme and may redeem and cancel existing shares issued if staff holding shares resign from the Group during the year.
8. General Business
Ross Keenan
Letter from Chairman
Disclosure Document – AWF Share Scheme – to Shareholders July 2015