Health and Safety Vision

We are all responsible for meeting our individual duties as officers of the Company. Our goal is for the Company to carry out operations in a manner which addresses the health and safety risks across our business;

  • Health and safety is everyone’s responsibility, but as leaders responsible for the governance of the Company, we are committed to supporting the Company in meeting its obligations;
  • It is important to have a positive safety culture – it is both beneficial for the health, safety and wellbeing of each person in the Company and makes for a better workplace – we are committed to leading a strong safety culture from Board down; and
  • We are committed to working with our clients to create safer workplaces in New Zealand.


  • “Board” means the Board of Directors of the Company;
  • “Company” means Accordant Group Limited and its related companies
  • “Committee” means the Board Health and Safety Committee;

Purpose – to provide good governance of Health and Safety risks facing the Company

The Committee is a committee of the Board of the Company. The purpose of the Committee is to provide a specific governance focus on risks arising from the Company’s physical (not financial) operations, health, safety and wellbeing policy and risk mitigation programmes. Its role is to assist the Board to fulfil its responsibilities and legislative due diligence obligations.

Having regard to the above, the principal responsibility and requirement of directors is that individually they have undertaken the relevant due diligence, are informed, and that they are satisfied as to the Company’s implementation and compliance with health and safety obligations.

Composition and Procedures

The Committee shall comprise all Board Members and the Board shall appoint a Chairperson.

  • A quorum is three members. In the case of a tie, the members must resolve differences or disputes between themselves at the relevant meeting, failing which the matter will be referred to an external subject-matter expert, for resolution.
  • The Committee will meet at least quarterly. From time to time members of management (or other parties) may be asked to attend a Committee meeting as is considered necessary. Details regarding these attendances, and any request for these persons to withdraw from any part of the meeting, will be captured in the minutes.
  • The Committee’s objectives, responsibilities and this Charter shall also be reviewed annually by the Board and any other person the Board considers appropriate.
  • The Committee is authorised by the Board to investigate any activity covered by its roles.
  • The Committee and each member of the Committee shall have the authority of the Board to:
    • retain, terminate and consult with outside or other independent external advisers and experts (including legal consultants) at the Company’s expense;
    • secure the attendance at meetings of outside parties with relevant experience and expertise where the Committee or a Committee member deems it necessary to carry out the functions of the Committee.

 Responsibilities and Duties

The Board has delegated certain of its functions to the Committee. The Committee’s responsibilities include:

  • Providing up-to-date information on health and safety matters affecting the Company;
  • Providing the information and means to allow the Board and management to understand the nature of the Accordant Group operations (including the risks and hazards associated with operations) through regular visits to our workplaces;
  • Making decisions about appropriate resources and systems to be employed to minimise or eliminate risks to health and safety, including providing adequate resources and engaging appropriate expertise to implement, develop and maintain the health and safety management system;
  • Monitoring health and safety performance of the Company, its employees and contractors (by reviewing audits, management plans, risk assessments, risk registers and incident investigations);
  • Complying with, and ensuring the Company complies with, health and safety legislative requirements; and
  • Verifying performance and use of resources through reviews and audits, including arranging periodic formal reviews of the Company’s health and safety performance (and taking responsibility for implementation of recommendations from reviews), and reviewing updates on health and safety incidents, near misses, illness, contractor’s health and safety performance, progress with implementing formal plans, risk assessment and findings from audits;
  • Reviewing and setting appropriate health and safety accountabilities for the CEO and senior management by developing specific targets, implementing strict reporting requirements and including health and safety targets in KPIs; and
  • Reporting to the Board quarterly on health and safety matters affecting the Company and at other times as determined by the Committee or as directed by the Board.