AWF Madison advises that long-serving Director, Mr Ted Van Arkel, has confirmed his intention to retire from the Board with effect from the Group’s AGM, to be held at the Northern Club, on Wednesday 25th July 2018.
For the Board, Chairman Ross Keenan noted that Mr Van Arkel was a founding Director in the build-up and listing of AWF. He said that Ted’s attention to detail and focus on clarity of business purpose had ensured that his contribution was at all times valued by his fellow Directors.
Ted said that after having been on the AWF Board for the past 14 years –“…. it is time for a new face to join the Board..”; and he is looking forward to having some spare time in the future.
The Board has invited Mr Van Arkel to comment on his AWF Madison journey at the forthcoming AGM.
For the Board,
Ross B Keenan
For further information contact:
Ross Keenan 021 685 655