
About Paul Mens

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So far Paul Mens has created 16 blog entries.
8 04, 2015

SHH S.Hull Change in Holding

2015-04-08T04:27:05+12:00April 8th, 2015|SSH|

DISCLOSURE OF MOVEMENT OF 1% OR MORE IN SUBSTANTIAL HOLDING OR CHANGE IN NATURE OF RELEVANT INTEREST, OR BOTHSections 277 and 278, Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 TO: NZX Limited and TO: AWF Group Limited [...]

5 12, 2014

AWF Determination of Directors Independence

2014-12-05T15:53:26+13:00December 5th, 2014|DIRECTOR|

DETERMINATION OF DIRECTORS’ INDEPENDENCE AWF Group (AWF) has determined that Wynnis Armour will not be an Independent Director. -ENDS- Announcement authorised by: Paul Mens Chief Financial Officer AWF Group Limited Direct Dial: +64 9 526 [...]

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